What diseases can be treated with umbilical cord stem cells?
Treatable diseases stem cell cord blood
Stem cell transplants
Research and ongoing clinical trials with stem cells
First Stem Cell Transplant was done 25 years ago, in 1989, by Dr. Eliane Gluckman, to an 8 year old with Fanconi Anemia using his sister´s cord blood. As of then, more than 25,000 transplants have being carried out to treat many diseases worldwide. These data show the consolidation of the treatment and a great potential in treating other diseases in regenerative medicine.
Preserve umbilical cord cells is a reality today and a future full of possibilities.
There are nowadays more than 80 diseases that are treatable with Stem Cells (1)
Such as some types of oncological diseases, Misses Core, metabolic diseases, immunodeficiencies, autoimmune diseases, hemoglobinopathies (1) Moise K Jr. Umbilical cord stem cells. Obstet Gynecol. 2005;106(6):1393-1407.
Diseases currently in different phases of clinical trials with the use of Cord Stem Cells (2) :
Many reports and results on the application of stem cells are continually published and clinical trials are being carried out in the fields such us; Diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or stroke, among others. In addition to its potential use to regenerate other types of tissues such as cardiac, pancreatic, neuronal, bone and cartilage repair or in reconstruction surgeries (skin, breast, trachea …)
(2) To learn more about these clinical trials visit
Today the probability that a unit of blood autologous cord is used for transplantation is very low and its use has been limited to diseases affecting children, mainly in aplastic anemia acquired, solid high-risk tumors (neuroblastoma, sarcoma Edwing , medulloblastoma, and germ cell tumors) and some non-Hodgkin lymphoma in second remission. Currently there is no clear evidence that these cells can be used for regenerative medicine or to treat other diseases in the future. There are several initial clinical trials to test the efficacy of autologous cells for some indications. However at present it is impossible to predict the results of research that may affect the potential use of these cells. Although there are many clinical trials that have attempted to demonstrate the effectiveness of mesenchymal cells in the treatment of different diseases, there are no clear conclusions about being currently impossible to predict the results of these investigations into the potential future use of mesenchymal cells. SOURCE: National Transplant Organization (ONT)